NETFLIX is hiring

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Create a Netflix Career

So you want to work at Netflix? Get in line! Literally every tech professional and their proverbial grandmother wants to put that cool little N on their resume. But while Ned from next door might apply to hundreds of Netflix jobs and never hear back, you can beat the odds by following this highly unorthodox and mildly ridiculous blueprint.

Put on your serious pants, ignore that impulse to binge Stranger Things, and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Netflix! Yahoo!

Netflix doesn’t hire cookie-cutter employees who simply follow the status quo. They want trailblazers and innovators who laugh in the face of normalcy and forge their own path. So start rebelling against convention however you can!

You Need To Fill Up With Some Information Like: 

  • Your Zip Code To Find Your Nearest Job Location
  • Your Email To Contact With You In Future
  • Your Phone Number For Contact Promptly
  • And Some Basic Information To Get you Know Better.

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